Monday, May 2, 2016

Little Girl Part #4

It did happen, LG and  Dixie have bonded.                           
Let me back up a little here.................
I don't know if I did the right thing or not. People often say , let nature take it's course, and I'm the first to agree with that statement. Often when people interfere, thinking they have the answers , things go arie, when if left alone, things would have eventually worked out for the best. But I never experienced anything like I saw with LG after she lost all her kittens. Every cat my kids had, that got pregnant before we got them fixed, never lost all their young after two day's. Sometimes one or even two would die because they were the runts and Mama would push them out or the first baby worked so hard getting born, they would be weak and not make it. Mama cat would not seem to concerned because she had to move on and take care of her litter that survived.
Poor Little Girl. I had her box in a corner of my bathroom which is quite a good size room. Two day's later when the baby's all died, one by one they died, I removed the box. I felt she didn't need to see it, an empty box, just their, that would not do. Well she would sit right where the box was and cry. I'm not kidding you, I would be busy doing what ever I do and I'd hear her , not a meow, not a howl or a growl as cats do, but a soft moan, I can't explain it to you but it was pitiful. She did this for four days off and on.
I asked my granddaughter Chelsea to ask around and find out if anyone has new kittens ready to be placed in homes. I didn't want one too young that I would have to feed it with a bottle but young enough that it might be able to nurse off of LG if LG were to let it. I wanted a girl, would be nice if it had neat markings, I like unusual cats. Six day's later Chelsea found a cute black and white female kitten, nine weeks old for sale at a pet shop.
When Chelsea brought her in my living room, everyone, LG, Gypsy, and the new kitten growled and hissed at each other. I was happy to see the new member didn't back off one bit but did her share of hissing and growling. Good, they all like each other and will get along just fine. As always, Gypsy could care less about the new kitten which I named Dixie, no idea why, guess it's just a nice southern name. On the other hand LG and Dixie seemed to be at each other all the time. Dixie is something else which I'll go into at a later date. Dixie does not have a normal meow. She opens her mouth and a little squeak comes out. Now it's a bit longer but broken up so it sounds like You got it.
Anyhow, I'd hear her squeaking very loudly and think LG was killing her. I finally broke them up one day because I was worried that maybe LG was upset with the fact that I would try and replace her baby's and might be trying to actually do the new kitten in ! But no way. When I pulled them apart, LG walked away and Dixie went right after her and JUMPED her! and while doing that she was loudly squeaking. I've caught her doing that loud squeak when she doesn't get her own way about something. What a faker!
Twelve days had gone by when one  Friday evening LG was sleeping on the chair in my living room. I was busy in my bedroom on my computer and I saw Dixie sneak out of my bedroom into the living room. I expected the howling and squeaking to start up but there was nothing but complete silents. I slowly rolled my wheelchair up to the doorway and peeked around the corner looking at the chair LG was sleeping on. I had figured, here we go again with her messing around with LG, disturbing her sleep and looking for trouble.
Wait a minute....... she is snuggling up under Little Girl's tummy and I believe she's nursing and LG is letting her, not only letting her but she's cleaning and grooming Dixie while Dixie's nursing, just like Mama cats do to there baby's when nursing. WOW, amazing ! 
They are inseparable now. I guess I did do the right thing.