Thursday, March 21, 2019

Time To Wake Up!

It has been nice for my little Dixie this whole winter. This is how she has spent most of her days but now it's over. I intend to get both of 
my cats up and moving, we've got lots of work to be done on our decks, it's Spring!


  1. Yep...time to enjoy the good weather!

  2. I have had 7 days in a ROW with SUN! Rained yesterday and hoping for forecasted sun again today. I already helped mom with the gardening when I snoopervised thru the window.

  3. lol "snoopervised thru the window" that's the best way you can it! =^..^=

  4. Island Cats s...I hate to say it but I'm sure we have more bad weather to come so enjoy the good while you can. =^..^=


Thank you cat lovers =^..^=