Friday, July 6, 2018

It's Nice to Have New

Dixie is so happy today, she finally got a new scratching bed!
See the old one in the background, she put up with that way too long.
Oh yes she is quite pleased, 
and check out what else came with the scratching bed.
Looks like she's kinda likes that too.
Little Girl will settle for one of the boxes that brought the new stuff.
It's not because she prefers the box, it's because Dixie chases her off every time she try's to go over to the scratching bed or the tray & ball game.
Don't worry, I'll give Little Girl plenty of time to play with the new stuff while Dixie is outside tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A Day In The Life Of My Girls


Sunday, March 4, 2018

At Last !

Friday, January 5, 2018

Clark Family Winter Activity



Winter  Activity

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Saturday, December 30, 2017

* Keep Them Safe And Warm *

Gulshat Gilmanova - Winter

My Cats by The Hearth

It’s cold outside, the wind is blowing

Freeze in the air, soon it will be snowing

Nothing can be better on this whole earth

Just watching my cats sleeping by the hearth

Many a cat would be filled with delight

To be in a warm cozy home for the night

But for them it’s just a dream far out of sight

Only abandonment is to be their plight


All I can offer is this plea to all of you

Can you adopt a cat, or maybe even two

If you have a cat, can you neuter or spayed

By doing this less cats have to be saved


I feel a shiver as I here the wind howl

Oh so many cats tonight out on the prowl

I am filled with thankfulness gaiety and mirth

As I gaze at my at my sleeping cats by the hearth

By Eileen 2012

Painting by Elmira Mustafina
Cat on Road Image:

Thursday, September 21, 2017

When We Were Baby's

Little Girl


Just thought we would post our baby pictures this evening.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Fall is here, my favorite time of year.

Little Girl enjoying the Fall sun.

Dixie likes the pumpkin

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

You Can Always Find a Kitten

My grannddaughter called to tell me her friends cat had a litter of kittens about five weeks ago and has two left. They look a little scrawny, so I'm thinking about it, not quite sure, will give it more thought.
The boy is white, hard to tell by this photo. I'm favoring the boy with all the markings on his head. May grow up to be quite interesting....we'll see.

I'm Back!

Little Girl
Well my girls are doing just fine as you can see. As you know I have not done any regular posting on this site because of Chatter's disappearance. At the same time my camera broke. You can't run a blog like this one without a camera. Well I do have a new one and  can work it fine but I'm having a big problem transferring the pictures from it to my computer. I'll get it worked out eventually.
My granddaughter told me her cat got pregnant and because of the beautiful markings on her I thought I just might take one which would have brought me back here to start blogging again.
Yesterday my Chelsea informed me that her cat is not pregnant. Now it got me to thinking that I really want to get a kitten to add to my family.  We'll see.
Granddaughters Cat

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

This Blog

I don't work on this blog since Chatter has been gone.
My girls still watch for Chatter now and the edge of the woods. I'm sure he's gone for good. Thanks for checking in to see how things are going. =^..^=