Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2018

Clark Family Winter Activity



Winter  Activity

Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Name For The Stray!

He or she is on my deck and porch every day. Usually it comes out of the woods between 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and jumps on my porch and goes to the waiting pan of food on the chair. He or she them goes to the other chair, washes itself and then falls asleep for awhile. Later all three of the cats roam around the yard, chase after bugs and butterflies,  or sleep sleep sleep on my porch railings  floor or chairs. When the sun starts to go down the stray walks down into the woods and as far as I know stays away all night. I really wish I could follow him or her so I could see just where the cat stays all night. I also wonder if the cat will  eventually stay on my porch all night, time will tell. I have named the stray Chatter. That's just what she does along with her meowing she talks a lot, she looks right at me and chatters. It works well for a male or a female so Chatter it is. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

We're Settled in Now

Good Day Friends !
I can almost count on it, the stray cat is I'm thinking no longer a stray. Every morning when I go out to my living room after feeding my cats and look out the window the stray is sleeping on the other chair on my porch. He or she looks up at me and lowers her head and goes back to sleep. When I first starting putting the cat food out the cat would go right over to it and start eating. Now she or he doesn't even go to the food until a bit later in the morning. I guess she's not starving anymore. I can tell she has gained a little weight too.