Hello again,
As I told you, Little Girl was NOT going out again until after she has her kittens.
SHE HAD THEM ! It was 12:00 P.M and I just got into bed, I stay up till 11:00 or 12:00 P.M. every night. I don't go out and get fresh air and drive around and go shopping or to the library, or work in my yard. OK ok I know that's another whole story.
Anyway, I just get into bed and....lets make it easy for me, LG jumped right up on my bed and got way down under my covers, she never does that and, Oh Boy !!! she having contractions, pushing on my legs and I pulled the covers up to see what's going on. She comes right up to the top of the covers and crawls out and climbed up on the pillow next to me and their it is .... a kitten is coming out !
I have to get right back out of bed. Now mind you, I use a wheelchair, I can't just get out of bed and stand up like you can, but I'll tell you, I did move pretty fast , more then I usually do. I had to get a towel from the bathroom when I was sure I heard her jump off the bed. Sure enough, she comes into the bathroom with the kitten half in, half out of her behind. I had a big box with a towel in the bathroom ready for her ahead of time. Thank goodness for that. She went around and around in a circle trying to push the kitten out all the way. Finally she crawled into the box and finished pushing and out the little one came. She, (the the kitten) was crying and that made me happy cause it told me no injuries came about from the jumping off the bed, and the dragging around. She had two more after that one with no problems. I had called my granddaughter on her cell phone, she lives right in the same house, different living quarters. She had asked me to call her when my cat gave birth no matter what time at night it was. She came in and I was happy about that because the forth kitten was not coming out. Mama cat kept pushing and then resting, pushing, resting. After about 45 minuets I was getting really concerned. To make a long story short....the kitten finally did come out still born. We were both sure the kitten was not alive, and it wasn't.
Little Girl was real good with the first three kittens, cutting the cord and cleaning them all up till they actually had a little fluff to their fur. I was very happy Chelsea was their for her because she seemed to be finished after the still-born. When the fifth little one came out LG didn't do anything with her. Chelsea had gloves on and had washed a pair of scissors and sharp knife ready just in case. Well, just in case was now. Chelsea had to cut the cord, and with a small soft towel had to clean up the kitten, face, nose, and behind.
I didn't tell you, Chelsea is only 19 years old but she worked in a Veterinary's place, and though she was their to answer phones, clean cages and such, now and then she was asked to help the vet with the animals.
Back to story...After the fifth and last kitten was all cleaned up, Chelsea kept putting it on the mommy's nipples to eat, and so it did, got right in their with the other three. Five baby's, four are strong, healthy, and very hungry and lively. Chelsea and I went our separate ways off to bed. Little girl did good.

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Thank you cat lovers =^..^=