My Cats by The Hearth
It’s cold outside, the wind is blowing
Freeze in the air, soon it will be snowing
Nothing can be better on this whole earth
Just watching my cats sleeping by the hearth
Many a cat would be filled with delight
To be in a warm cozy home for the night
But for them it’s just a dream far out of sight
Only abandonment is to be their plight
All I can offer is this plea to all of you
Can you adopt a cat, or maybe even two
If you have a cat, can you neuter or spayed
By doing this less cats have to be saved
I feel a shiver as I here the wind howl
Oh so many cats tonight out on the prowl
I am filled with thankfulness gaiety and mirth
As I gaze at my at my sleeping cats by the hearth
By Eileen 2012
Painting by Elmira Mustafina
Cat on Road Image: