Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Friday, January 13, 2017
I'm So Foolish
Hi cat lovers, it's been some time since I've been here I know. I just haven't had much to talk about since Chatter had disappeared from our home. It is now over five months and foolish as it may be, I still look out on my porch for him in the morning before I get my coffee. I really don't expect to see him their but in my mind I think....wouldn't it be awesome if he was their waiting for me to open the door. Foolish foolish me, it's only a cat I had for only six months in my life.

Friday, September 2, 2016
It's September !
I know, I'm rushing it a little bit but Dixie and I both love the Fall more then any other time of the year.
Chatter is doing fine. He's in and out of the house like he owns it and I feel good about this because I was a little worried about how we would manage things in the very cold weather. It's all good!

Sunday, August 14, 2016
It's August And It's Hot
Not much to tell you these days. It's hot and humid and my cats just want to drink lots of water and sleep. Chatter has made himself at home with us and that's just the way it is. He is on my porch early every morning chatting away loud and often to let me know he's here and hungry. I still put his food on the porch and after he eats he comes in the house and wonders around a little then goes back out. He lets us pet him and rubs on your hand with his head if you don't pet him. He still goes off into the woods at night but it is getting later and later now when he leaves.
My camera broke so it will be awhile before I have any new pictures of him to post.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016
I Forgot One
My daughter lives next door to me. Actually I had a mother in-law apartment built on the back of my house. She and her husband live in the big house, I in the small house. She has a vicious mean white male cat that attacks my cats, especially Little Girl every time he sees them. He actually would hide under my deck waiting for me to let Little Girl out. As soon as LG jumped off the deck, the monster, (that's what I call him) would come running out from under the deck and grab LG by her head and shake her body back and forth while LG was howling for help. It reminded me of a pit bull attacking my sweet cat. It got so LG would not go out and I didn't want her to go out. He went after Dixie too but she fought back and was to fast for him.
My daughter and I came up with a plan. My cats go out during the day and I get them in by 5:00 p.m. then her monster goes out for the night. They leave a note on my table every morning that says, "The Monster is in" so I know it's safe for my girls to go out. We have been doing this for a couple of years and it's working out nicely.
This is her monster, his real name is Cloud, why I don't know.
You can see how sweet he is......NOT!!
You see the back of Dixie's head, she is looking at him and this is his reaction to her, vicious mean bad cat. Good thing there's a double pane glass between them.

Monday, May 9, 2016
Where is She?
The stray didn't show up today and the girls and I had many questions. Did it get hit by a car, eaten by a coyote which we have many around here in the woods. I hear them howling late at night if I'm up late enough. Has it found another home that's leaving food, could be anything. It was a no show all day so I brought the food back in my house.
The next morning I let my cats out and Dixie ran half way down the yard and just sat for an hour looking into the woods. I'm sure she was watching for the stray. Little Girl sat on my porch railing for quite some time staring towards the woods. The next day, Sunday the same behavior from my girls, Little Girl watching the woods from our porch railing and Dixie running down the yard stopping in the same place and peering into the woods. Again, no show. What I find very interesting Is that the pan of cat food is on the chair on my porch and yet neither of my cats will eat it. They know it's their yet they scratch on the door to come in and eat from the other dish of food in the house. It's Monday morning and this is the start of the day. This is new, sweet, and kinda sad, they are both at the woods edge looking for the stray. Wonder if it will show up today?

Friday, May 6, 2016
What Have I Started !
>This stray cat is quite vocal, as I wheeled myself into the living room this morning I heard the stray meowing. I knew it was the tan and white stray because every time I hear that familiar meow I see her. I pulled back the drape and there she was, sitting their looking in my sliding glass door. Pulling back the drape didn't frighten her at all surprised me. I got the pan of cat food and put it on the chair on my porch as I always do now. She went right to the porch, jumped up on the chair and began to eat. I guess we now have a morning routine, that's nice. Why the "What Have I Started" . I went out on the porch to get the pan of cat food after the stray had finished and left and low and behold, a black cat with a white tipped tail ran out from under my porch and into the woods it went....what have I started.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016
We Are Making Progress!
The stray cat has been coming around our house now every day for about a week. As I had mentioned he or she is very thin but does look fairly good. No cuts, clear eyes, alert, and it's coat of fur looks good, it's just thin to where the ribs are slightly showing. Three days ago it came up on my deck. my two cats were their and no one growled, hissed, or ran away. They just sat there looking at each other.
I slowly opened the door and placed a pan of food on the chair. The stray jumped off the deck and went into the woods. I thought to myself, I'll put it out again early in the morning as I see the cat in the mornings in the yard. Next morning I placed a small dish of dry cat food on the chair on my deck and went about getting my cats fed and my breakfast. A little later as I was looking out my window while finishing my coffee this is what I saw. Of course I quickly got my camera.

He's a Gem !
Alister seems to be content with his hair cut, with
his new surroundings, and the warm sun. We already love Alister
his new surroundings, and the warm sun. We already love Alister
Yes he is definitely home.
My Little Girl really loves him and they get along great.
He spends lots of his time on the top of the cabinet
with this ceramic chicken, very strange.
Guess we'll keep him.

Friday, April 29, 2016
I Look Out The Window
My Missy goes out the door every day,
All alone and lonely here I stay.
She leaves me food water and toys to play,
Even so she’s gone and my days are gray.
Where we live their is no yard with grass,
No fields of hay, or lakes with Bass.
Only buildings with brick and windows of glass.
The days are long and time slow to pass.
I eat and drink and watch out the window,
When it’s time for her here, I seem to know.
My hair stands up, my heart skips a beat,
I jump off the chair and run to her feet.
It seems that every few days, not sure I know,
Why she doesn’t rush out the door to go.
In the big chair she sits and reads while on
her lap I sit and purr,
Then watching TV together, she runs her
hands through my fur.
But I know, again and again my Missy will leave,
And again I will look out the window and grieve.
So alas she tells me when she’s home it’s a weekend,
And always and always on them I can depend.
Eileen 2014
( Inside The Authors Head )
I have come across many pictures of cats looking out windows that were sweet and bright and gave me a happy feeling but this one took me aback. It’s kinda dark and gave me a sad feeling, hence this poem. It’s not one of my better writings as I quickly jotted down the words that went with the images in my head.

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This is pretty much Chatters chair now. It's cool at the base of the fountain. Back on his chair. If you look cl...
Good Day Friends ! I can almost count on it, the stray cat is I'm thinking no longer a stray. Every morning when I go out to m...
It did happen, LG and Dixie have bonded. Let me back up a little here................. I don'...
WHAT HAPPENS IF A CAT’S WHISKERS ARE DAMAGED OR CLIPPED? t turns out, cat’s whiskers are an essential sensory mechanism. Damage a cat’s w...
I don't work on this blog since Chatter has been gone. My girls still watch for Chatter now and then . at the edge of the woods. ...
My daughter lives next door to me. Actually I had a mother in-law apartment built on the back of my house. She and her husband live in the ...
I was in my bedroom watching TV when Dixie my cat ran in from the living room and ran around my wheelchair a couple of times then ran back...
Chelsea is my granddaughter and a real animal lover, cats, dogs, turtles, monkeys, horses, and so on. She would go over to th...