Tuesday, May 3, 2016

We Have a Stray

Well looks like this new blog is going to be interesting after all. I have been going through all the older hidden stories in my Fine Cats blog to post on here. I'm trying to post them in the order they were acted out, but low and behold something very interesting has been happening this past week. We have a very skinny stray coming around. When it was closer to the deck I didn't have my camera so by the time I got it the cat had moved away from the deck and hid behind a tree and Dixie was observing it's every move. Little girl was watching from our deck.

The black cat is Dixie, the stray is light tan and white. Don't know if it's a male or female but I think it's a girl because she's (I'm saying she until I know better) she is calm, quiet, and seems gentle. Just when it was going to get interesting some friends of mine walked up on the deck and off ran the stray into the woods.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Little Girl Part #4

It did happen, LG and  Dixie have bonded.                           
Let me back up a little here.................
I don't know if I did the right thing or not. People often say , let nature take it's course, and I'm the first to agree with that statement. Often when people interfere, thinking they have the answers , things go arie, when if left alone, things would have eventually worked out for the best. But I never experienced anything like I saw with LG after she lost all her kittens. Every cat my kids had, that got pregnant before we got them fixed, never lost all their young after two day's. Sometimes one or even two would die because they were the runts and Mama would push them out or the first baby worked so hard getting born, they would be weak and not make it. Mama cat would not seem to concerned because she had to move on and take care of her litter that survived.
Poor Little Girl. I had her box in a corner of my bathroom which is quite a good size room. Two day's later when the baby's all died, one by one they died, I removed the box. I felt she didn't need to see it, an empty box, just their, that would not do. Well she would sit right where the box was and cry. I'm not kidding you, I would be busy doing what ever I do and I'd hear her , not a meow, not a howl or a growl as cats do, but a soft moan, I can't explain it to you but it was pitiful. She did this for four days off and on.
I asked my granddaughter Chelsea to ask around and find out if anyone has new kittens ready to be placed in homes. I didn't want one too young that I would have to feed it with a bottle but young enough that it might be able to nurse off of LG if LG were to let it. I wanted a girl, would be nice if it had neat markings, I like unusual cats. Six day's later Chelsea found a cute black and white female kitten, nine weeks old for sale at a pet shop.
When Chelsea brought her in my living room, everyone, LG, Gypsy, and the new kitten growled and hissed at each other. I was happy to see the new member didn't back off one bit but did her share of hissing and growling. Good, they all like each other and will get along just fine. As always, Gypsy could care less about the new kitten which I named Dixie, no idea why, guess it's just a nice southern name. On the other hand LG and Dixie seemed to be at each other all the time. Dixie is something else which I'll go into at a later date. Dixie does not have a normal meow. She opens her mouth and a little squeak comes out. Now it's a bit longer but broken up so it sounds like squ...ee...ek. You got it.
Anyhow, I'd hear her squeaking very loudly and think LG was killing her. I finally broke them up one day because I was worried that maybe LG was upset with the fact that I would try and replace her baby's and might be trying to actually do the new kitten in ! But no way. When I pulled them apart, LG walked away and Dixie went right after her and JUMPED her! and while doing that she was loudly squeaking. I've caught her doing that loud squeak when she doesn't get her own way about something. What a faker!
Twelve days had gone by when one  Friday evening LG was sleeping on the chair in my living room. I was busy in my bedroom on my computer and I saw Dixie sneak out of my bedroom into the living room. I expected the howling and squeaking to start up but there was nothing but complete silents. I slowly rolled my wheelchair up to the doorway and peeked around the corner looking at the chair LG was sleeping on. I had figured, here we go again with her messing around with LG, disturbing her sleep and looking for trouble.
Wait a minute....... she is snuggling up under Little Girl's tummy and I believe she's nursing and LG is letting her, not only letting her but she's cleaning and grooming Dixie while Dixie's nursing, just like Mama cats do to there baby's when nursing. WOW, amazing ! 
They are inseparable now. I guess I did do the right thing.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Gypsy Meeting a New Neighbor

Gypsy is really making herself at home in my house. She seems very happy and is getting quite playful. My son in-law recently brought home a kitten and Gypsy is getting to know her through the sliding glass door. Enjoy this step by step process.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Lets talk about Gypsy

I have another cat I don't talk about much because she wasn't really my cat but my granddaughters. She too just had a litter at a very young age so I hung onto every word my grandchild said about the progress of my Little Girl. This other cats name is Gypsy, named rightly so because she was a stray that came and went. My granddaughter did not take good care of Gypsy because she was having marital problems and the fact that she had baby's, I confiscated her, got her fixed plus shots, lots of good food and placed all her youngins in nice homes. So yes, I think she is now my cat along with Little Girl. They do get along just fine which helped me to make a quick decision to keep her.

Friday, April 29, 2016

I Look Out The Window

My Missy goes out the door every day, All alone and lonely here I stay. She leaves me food water and toys to play, Even so she’s gone and my days are gray. *************************************** Where we live their is no yard with grass, No fields of hay, or lakes with Bass. Only buildings with brick and windows of glass. The days are long and time slow to pass. ***************************************** I eat and drink and watch out the window, When it’s time for her here, I seem to know. My hair stands up, my heart skips a beat, I jump off the chair and run to her feet. ****************************************** It seems that every few days, not sure I know, Why she doesn’t rush out the door to go. In the big chair she sits and reads while on her lap I sit and purr, Then watching TV together, she runs her hands through my fur. ************************************************ But I know, again and again my Missy will leave, And again I will look out the window and grieve. So alas she tells me when she’s home it’s a weekend, And always and always on them I can depend. * Eileen 2014 ( Inside The Authors Head ) I have come across many pictures of cats looking out windows that were sweet and bright and gave me a happy feeling but this one took me aback. It’s kinda dark and gave me a sad feeling, hence this poem. It’s not one of my better writings as I quickly jotted down the words that went with the images in my head.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

His name is Aleister

Chelsea is my granddaughter and a real animal lover, cats, dogs, turtles, monkeys, horses, and so on. She would go over to this friends of hers house a few times a week to hang out.  They had a big long haired cream and tan cat that according to Chelsea was sorely neglected. The cat had big knots in his fur, cuts on his legs, and his eyes were kinda glazed and red around the edges. She had talked to her friend about the cats health and from her thinking they didn't seem to care. One day while visiting her friend and getting more frustrated by the situation, when she left she picked up the cat and took it with her. Just picked him up and walked out the front door with him. No one stopped her and that's how Alister became part of our Kentucky family. When she brought him home, her dad immediately took the cat and shaved off all his fur. The cat was so delighted with his hair cut, you could tell by the way he was walking around and rolling on the floor, awesome.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Lets start with Little Girl

My Little Girl Sparkle #1
That's her name, but she was so little and so cute that I kept saying little girl to her. She never showed any notice when I called her Sparkle but she would look right at me when ever I said "little girl" and would come to me, so Little Girl it is. I know.....it seems like all us old ladies call their pups or kittens little girl, kinda dumb. I hear that from so many family members but I don't care. If my cat likes her name and comes to that name when I call it.....so be it. It seems like I just got her and now she is excepting. I allowed that on purpose because I wanted one of her off springs, and wanted her to have one of her own children to keep. If she has four, they are already placed in nice homes. I'm keeping one as I said, my granddaughter is keeping one, my daughter is going to keep one, and a maybe from my neighbor. Then she will be fixed along with her child. Just want everyone to know I'm a responsible pet owner. Being pregnant at a very young age and it hasn't slowed her down one bit.  She is pretty much near the end and I'd hoped she would have settled down some and stay around the house and in the house, but nooo, she's out ALL the time. She wants out first thing in the morning and stays out all day till dusk. Then she is at my door, just before I begin to worry, and it's getting little dark. She does this every night. She's gotten so big, her belly has dropped low, and in the the past few days I haven't wanted to let her out but she cries and fusses and scratches the door till I can't take it any more and I open the door and out she goes like a bullet.
Well it's now 11:15 p.m. tonight and Little Girl has not come home yet. I'm just sick over it. I couldn't eat my supper nor my midnight snack. There is only three reasons why she didn't come home. Someone is keeping her in their house, she got hurt and can't make it back to the house, or....she had her baby's out their in the woods and can't leave them because they would freeze to death. The temperature is dropping tonight and sleet and rain is expected, and I'm frightened for my sweet cat. Gypsy is upset too because I'm sitting here crying and she keeps looking out the door. She finally started to meow meow at the door. I did, I let her out even though it's this late, but Gypsy never wants out in the evening so I figure she knows I'm upset and she's going to find Little Girl. It could happen, we'll see.Good night, though I won't be able to sleep tonight.     


Little Girl ~ Part #2

Where I left off a few day's ago.....
I know I left you off with no idea what's going on but by the time Gypsy came home I was exhausted and went to bed to tired to post anything. Gypsy came to the door about a half hour after she left. I let her in and searched the porch as much as I could from my door and no signs of Little Girl. I rolled down the covers on my bed and then got my PJ's on. One more look out the door and then I'm shutting it and going to bed. There she is !  Little Girl was at the door. Needles to say we all went to bed and fell asleep very quickly. What I wondered the next day was....did Gypsy find Little Girl and scold her and tell her to get her furry little butt home, or did it just happen that Little Girl came home just fifteen minuets after Gypsy came in ? We'll never know. Little Girl is not going out again until after she has her kittens, and that's that!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Cat’s Prayer

A Cat’s Prayer

If it should be, that I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then, you must do what must be done
For this, the last battle, can’t be won.
Don’t let your grief stay your hand, 
For this day more than the rest,
Your love and friendship stand the test.
We’ve had so many years,

What is to come can hold no fear.
You’d not want me to suffer, so
When the time comes, please let me go. 
Take me where my needs they’ll tend,
Only, stay with me to the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you’ll see it is a kindness you do for me
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I’ve been saved. 
Don’t grieve it should be you who this thing decides to do.
We’ve been so close, we two, these years,
Don’t let your heart hold tears.
Smile, for we walked together for awhile.
Author: Unknown

It's Finally Over

 Hello again, 
As I told you, Little Girl was NOT going out again until after she has her kittens.
SHE HAD THEM ! It was 12:00 P.M and I just got into bed, I stay up till 11:00 or 12:00 P.M. every night. I don't go out and get fresh air and drive around and go shopping or to the library, or work in my yard. OK ok I know that's another whole story.
Anyway, I just get into bed and....lets make it easy for me, LG jumped right up on my bed and got way down under my covers, she never does that and, Oh Boy !!! she having contractions, pushing on my legs and I pulled the covers up to see what's going on. She comes right up to the top of the covers and crawls out and climbed up on the pillow next to me and their it is .... a kitten is coming out !
I have to get right back out of bed. Now mind you, I use a wheelchair, I can't just get out of bed and stand up like you can, but I'll tell you, I did move pretty fast , more then I usually do. I had to get a towel from the bathroom when I was sure I heard her jump off the bed. Sure enough, she comes into the bathroom with the kitten half in, half out of her behind. I had a big box with a towel in the bathroom ready for her ahead of time. Thank goodness for that. She went around and around in a circle trying to push the kitten out all the way. Finally she crawled into the box and finished pushing and out the little one came. She, (the the kitten) was crying and that made me happy cause it told me no injuries came about from the jumping off the bed, and the dragging around. She had two more after that one with no problems. I had called my granddaughter on her cell phone, she lives right in the same house, different living quarters. She had asked me to call her when my cat gave birth no matter what time at night it was. She came in and I was happy about that because the forth kitten was not coming out. Mama cat kept pushing and then resting, pushing, resting. After about 45 minuets I was getting really concerned. To make a long story short....the kitten finally did come out still born. We were both sure the kitten was not alive, and it wasn't. 
Little Girl was real good with the first three kittens, cutting the cord and cleaning them all up till they actually had a little fluff to their fur. I was very happy Chelsea was their for her because she seemed to be finished after the still-born. When the fifth little one came out  LG didn't do anything with her. Chelsea had gloves on and had washed a pair of scissors and sharp knife ready just in case. Well, just in case was now. Chelsea had to cut the cord, and with a small soft towel had to clean up the kitten, face, nose, and behind.
I didn't tell you, Chelsea is only 19 years old but she worked in a Veterinary's place, and though she was their to answer phones, clean cages and such, now and then she was asked to help the vet with the animals.
Back to story...After the fifth and last kitten was all cleaned up, Chelsea kept putting it on the mommy's nipples to eat, and so it did, got right in their with the other three. Five baby's, four are strong, healthy, and very hungry and lively. Chelsea and I went our separate ways off to bed. Little girl did good.

I was wrong, not end of story

My cat, "little Girl" did really good giving birth to her baby's. She had three with no trouble but number four gave her trouble. Number five came out quickly but Mama didn't seem to care and went on cleaning herself. She stayed with those kittens all night in the big box I had made up for them.The next day she didn't come out of the room but stayed with her little ones. I had to do up her food and bring it in to her. She got up and ate all her nice meal and went right back to her kittens.
I was following the directions of the Vet's online and the book on cats & dogs written by a Vet. Because she was such a young mother they (book and online) said she should be fed well so that she will be strong and her milk will be plenty. Also that the baby's will benefit from it. I made up a meal of brown rice, and eggs and chicken, or brown rice, Salem carrots and so on, every morning and lunch, or morning and supper. Meanwhile she also had her dry cat food and fresh water out all the time. At night I gave her a little saucer of milk. Very small saucer of it. So all was well in that department.
Back to Little Girl and kittens.
So she stayed with them all day and they ate all day. When I got into bed last night she jumped up on the bed and started to snuggle me like always but as soon as a little whimper came from the kittens, she jumped off the bed and went right to her baby's. All was well through the night. Kittens quiet, and mama staying with them.
Early this morning Little Girl jumped on my bed to say hello and snuggle a little. The baby's started crying and I expected LG to jump off the bed and run to them. She didn't ?
They cried louder, nothing, LG didn't budge an inch. I got up and went to them, one was dead in the box. 
I took it right out and as she watch and I quickly removed it from the room thinking she'll get in the box now and start nursing them. By the time I got back to the room a second kitten was just about dead. Also it was plain to see LG was not going to nurse her baby's.Again, removing it, I left the room shutting the door so LG would not be following me but feed the remaining the last two who by now were crying quite loud.When I went into the room, one of the baby's was removed from the box and placed bleeding right near the door. I thought at first LG had done it. I was shocked ! What was going on here ? The black kitten that was left was crying and all I could  think was.....I've got to save this last one. No one was home to help me. I had to do this alone and right. I found a clean syringe and warmed some milk and worked very hard trying to feed this little thing. He did get some in his little mouth then fell asleep. I had him on a clean white cloth with same over him to keep him warm. Now that things had quieted down some I took the cat that was bleeding out of it's wrap and closely examined it. Blood was oozing from it's behind. I check the other two, same thing. The Mama had not hurt them, they were bleeding internally.
After awhile the last one that was sleeping let out a little squeak. I went to him and patted him a little. He seemed fine, just resting. I wondered what I would do when the family members got home. Take the kitten to the Vet. Get her to feed in intervieniously, buy the right kind of formula and a better syringe ? All these things were going through my mind as I slowly  lifted the cloth that I had covered him with to keep him warm. Another shock! Blood was coming out of his little hinny. They were all bleeding internally and finally the last little guy died.

Email to my daughter that morning.
All the kittens are gone. I'm almost positive that it's not Little Girl's doing. I don't think her milk dried up. It's a long story and I need to do lots of research but......blood was coming from their little rear ends. I just looked at these pictures again and I see that two of the kittens in every picture are not eating. I did not keep checking on her yesterday. They were all quiet and she stayed with them.Don't kittens just keep nursing on their mama all the time when their so new ? I think they do. The one with the tan on it's head was dead when I went into the bathroom. The one with the gray died next. See, those two are not eating. Then the one with the black hair died.
The blank one hung on the longest and died at noon. Little Girl sensed something was wrong and then stopped nursing. I have to look all this information up tomorrow. Right now I have a very bad headache from crying all day. I took such good care of my cat and her kittens die. Gypsy was so neglected and her kittens lived.
What a life. I'll be fine.....Little Girl will be fine. I just need to dote on her a bunch and continue to love her the way I have right along.
Love, Mom